Why is our technology producing the highest quality art reproductions available?
The process starts with the artist, we aim to compliment the original piece with the ultimate reproduction. Our scan camera is the highest resolution camera currently available, capable of producing 1200 megapixel images, that’s 20,000 x 20,000 pixels in Red, Green and Blue. To put this into context, the highest professional photographic cameras are limited to around 40 megapixels, with the most popular quality cameras averaging around 12 megapixels. The camera is hand made to order in Germany, and uses the Schneider APO-Componon Lens, the best in the world and the only one capable of resolving the detail produced. Right from the start the resolution of our reproductions are unsurpassed and the quality is maintained throughout the printing process.
Our computer monitor is constantly calibrated to ensure that what we see is what we print. This is essential to replicate the exact detail of the artworks color and tone. Every fine detail is maintained in Photoshop before being sent to our high quality, large format printer. Our printer is capable of printing on many different print medias, in the highest quality currently available.